Thursday, June 3, 2010

My christmas journal

My Christmas journal is nearly finished. I just need to bind it and then it will be ready. Seems I have not read the information throughly about the earl bird. It does NOT last til Christmas. The last day is Sept 30th, which was shocking and sad news. Seems like the fun will end sooner than I thought ;-)

June is the month of mini gifts which are : stocking fillers; gifts that we add to other bigger gifts, gifts for the Kris Kringle or Friendship Groups, gifts for people who have everything and appreciate something small, teacher gifts and gifts that you can grab at the last minute for unexpected occasions etc etc.

In Sweden we dont have the tradition of Christmas stockings, or giving gifts to teacher or other people so I was a bit stumped on what to do and for whoom - but while I wrote this I got the solution. Postpals! I can start making gifts for Postpals ... Yes!!! Doing a happy dance